Unicef Photo Benefit

Last night was one of the BEST nights in my recent career!

I was honored to have been chosen as one of the featured photographers for UNICEF's Next Generation Charity event.  The event was held at the Aperture Gallery in Chelsea, NYC

Some details on tickets and for silent auction here

I was told to dress in cocktail attire and to come early to attend the VIP opening, I knew I was in for a treat!

The Aperture gallery space is beautiful.  Full of spacious light and everyone's work looked to it's greatest advantage.  Upon arriving we were greeted with catalogs listing the artists (ME!) and their works.

After a glass of wine and some mingling, we noted that Jenna Bush Hager was also present. Yup. That Jenna Bush.... the former president's daughter!  Jenna Bush Hager is the founding chair of this amazing charity UNICEF's Next Generation.  (And she totally checked out my work)

As if the night couldn't get any better... I got to witness first hand, people viewing, appreciating and discussing my work. Then thrill upon thrill, bidding on it.    Then a few moments later?


Within 45 minutes my piece had 3 bids.  And well, not to brag... BUT mine was among one of the first to attain bids! It really made my heart soar to think that my work could really be a true help to the charity.

As an intense Art Advocate, Artist and former Art Educator, nothing makes me happier that to see the power that Art has. How, in this case, it is through Art that this group of photographers could assist an organization is raising money and awareness to protect children.

If you are interested in assisting this cause here's a quick and simple way to make a donation of ANY size! UNICEF's Next Generation Photo Benefit Donation Page

Your gift will help save children's lives by providing emergency relief, lifesaving nutritional and medical aid, educational opportunities and so much more. 


Now That I'm Home Safe In The Snow...


UNICEF Photo Benefit Update!